Johannes is currently working full time for the project and is improving our self-developed software whenever he has some spare time. On the 31th of March, he gave a workshop to the staff showing them the whole manufacturing process and our new idea to fixate the prosthesis to the stump. The next day, a second patient arrived for taking measurements of his affected limb. The patient is a seven year old boy and currently lives in foster care. Johannes started the printing process together with the staff and introduced them to our software. Two days later, the patient tried out his brand new prothesis and gave a highfive to CoRSU’s head of rehabilitation with a big smile on his face.
Currently it is very difficult in Uganda to import medical supplies from Europe or other countries. To avoid this issue, instead of importing a prosthesis, one can import filament for a 3D printer which doesn’t fall under the medical supplies term. This way the patient can still be treated and provided with their individual prothesis. Furthermore, the hospital can print other important accessories, e.g. faceshields.